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Invitation to Teqnion's first ever Qapital market hour

Teqnion is excited to invite investors, financial analysts, entrepreneurs, media and anyone interested in getting more information about the company at the first ever Teqnion Qapital market hour. Johan and Daniel will be present trying to answer your questions. The Teams event will take place on September 19th at 16:08 CET and will be conducted in English.

After the opening bell, Johan will kick off the event with a shorter introduction to Teqnion but we hope to have an interactive dialogue and fill most of the hour with questions from the audience. If you have questions for us, feel free to send them to before the event or write them directly in the chat during the live stream. The event will be recorded and later uploaded to our website.

Click here to join the meeting or use the login details below for Teams:

Meeting ID: 376 499 154 983

Passcode: PfBCXf

Very welcome!

For more information, please contact:
Johan Steene, VD, phone: +46 73 333 57 33, E-mail:
Daniel Zhang, CFO, IR, CXO, phone: +46 721 555 695, E-mail: 

Teqnion AB
Evenemangsgatan 31 A,
169 79 Solna
Phone: 08-655 12 00,

About Teqnion
Teqnion AB is an industrial group that acquires stable niche companies with good cash flows to develop and own with an eternal horizon. The subsidiaries are managed decentralized with support from the parent company. We operate in the majority of industries with leading products, which gives us good resistance to economic fluctuations as well as solid industrial know-how. For us, it is central to focus on profitability and long-term sustainable business relationships. Teqnions's shares TEQ are traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Redeye AB is Certified Adviser.

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Teqnion AB

Teqnion är en svensk industrikoncern som grundades 2006. Koncernens bolag verkar inom smala tekniknischer i ett brett spektrum av branscher. Teqnions strategi genomsyras av ett aktivt ägande, optimering av dotterbolagens verksamhet samt tillväxt genom förvärv.

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