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Financial targets

Teqnion's financial targets are as follows:

1. Stability 

To never risk permanent loss of capital and ensure that we can grow sustainable we believe that we need a financial stability as a basis for everything that we do. This goal should always be in place. Financial target 1: Net debt / EBITDA < 2,5

2. Profitability 

We always work grittily with our profitability. Focus is to always strive for projects and acquisitions that will help us raise the bar. Financial target 2: EBITA margin > 9%

3. Shareholder value

When target 1. and 2. are in place we put our whole soul into creating long-term shareholder value through increasing the earnings per share. This is primarily achieved through acquiring new niche companies at good valuations. Financial target 3: > Double EPS every five years

Dividend Policy

Teqnion's dividend policy is to continue the growth journey by primarily allocating available capital to corporate acquisitions. If the board determines that there is excess liquidity in the company, up to ten percent of the taxed profit may be distributed.

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Teqnion AB

Teqnion is a Swedish industrial company group founded in 2006. The group's subsidiaries operate within narrow technology niches in a wide range of industries. Teqnion's strategy is based on active ownership, optimization of subsidiaries' operations and growth through acquisitions.

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