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General meetings

Årsstämma den 23 april 2024

Aktieägarna i Teqnion kallades till årsstämma att hållas tisdagen den 23 april 2024 kl. 11:08 i Törngren Magnell & Partners Advokatfirmas lokaler på Jakobs Torg 3, 111 52 Stockholm.

Report from Annual General Meeting

Kallelse till årsstämma

Fullmaktsformulär årsstämma 2024 - Teqnion

Valberedningen i Teqnion AB - Rapport till årsstämman 2024

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Teqnion AB

Teqnion is a Swedish industrial company group founded in 2006. The group's subsidiaries operate within narrow technology niches in a wide range of industries. Teqnion's strategy is based on active ownership, optimization of subsidiaries' operations and growth through acquisitions.

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